
The Academic Part of Mr Carver’s career spanned the years from 1986 until 2004. 

These are some of his scientific publications, review articles and book chapters.


The use of botulinum toxin in treating a twitching TRAM flap

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2004 Jun;113(7)2224

van Dam H., Nduka C., Carver N.

Electrocardiograph dot as a pre-op marker for nipple-areolar complex reconstruction

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2004 Jan;113(1):458-459

De Souza B.A., and Carver N.

Parotid haemangioma: an unusual presentation

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003 Jan;56(1):73-74

Ho-Asjoe M., Tatla T., and Carver N.


A rare case of dermoid cyst behind the ear

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2003 Dec;112(7):1972

De Souza B.A., Dey.C., and Carver N.

No touch free-flap temperature monitoring

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2003 Dec;56(8):835 

Van Dam H., Nduka C., and Carver N.

Free flap monitoring in plastic and reconstructive surgery 

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2003;530:717-724

Pickett JA, Thorniley MS, Carver N, Jones D P.

Use of an Ankle-foot Orthosis in the management of pretibial lacerations

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2003 Oct;112(5):1497-1498

Kumar P., De Souza B.A. and Carver N.

Suturing versus conservative management of hand lacerations

British Medical Journal 2002 Nov 9;325(7372):1113

De Souza B.A., Shibu M., Moir G.C. and Carver N.

Anterior abdominal wall ischaemia in association with multiple myeloma

Hospital Medicine. 2002 Oct;63(10);628-629

Durrani A.J, More A., Diaz-Cano S., Shibu M., Carver N.


Modification of the running tie-over dressing

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2002 Apr;109(4):1463

De Souza B.A. and Carver N.

Reaction in a red tattoo in the absence of mercury.

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2001 Sept;54(6): 555-556

Yazdian-Tehrani H, Shibu M, Carver N..

The open finger technique for the release of syndactyly

Journal of Hand Surgery [Br]2001 Feb; 26(1):4-7

Withey SJ, Kangesu L, Carver N, Sommerlad, BC.

Sensory Recovery and Meissner Corpuscle Number after To-to-Hand Transplantation

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2000 Jun; 105(7): 2405 – 2411

Wei FC, Carver N, Lee YH, C-Chin D, Cheng SL.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in Transplanted Skin

Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2000 Jun; 25(4): 302-304

Kavouni A, Shibu M, Carver N.

Free Colon Transfer for Pharyngo-oesophageal reconstruction

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2000 Jan;53(1),12-16

Wei FC, Carver N, Chen HC, Tsai MH, Wang JY.


An instrument for investigating the viability of free flaps in plastic and reconstructive surgery

Proceedings of the 6th Annual National Conference of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Southampton, UK (September 2000) pp 79-80 (Abstract) 

Pickett JA, Thorniley MS, Carver N and Jones DP

Free Flap Monitoring by Dual Wavelength Spectrophotometry 

Proceedings 21st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Eng in Med and Biol Society, Atlanta, GA, USA. (October 1999) (IEEE Piscataway, NJ, USA) CDROM paper ID:470. 

Pickett JA, Thorniley MS, Carver N, Jones DP

A spectrophotometric technique for assessing tissue viability in plastic surgery

Proceedings of the 5th Annual National Conference of the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Nottingham, UK (September 1999) 169 (Abstract). 

Pickett JA, Thorniley MS, Carver N, Jones DP

Phillips prize winner

Immunohistochemical analysis of burn depth

Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 1999 May-Jun:20(3):207-211

Ho-Asjoe M., Chronell C.M., Frame J.D., Leigh I.M., Carver N.

Toxic shock syndrome in adult burns

Burns 1999 Nov;25 (7):659-662

Withey SJ, Carver N, Frame JD, Walker CC.

Trimmed big toe transfer for thumb reconstruction. Book Chapter.

Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps (2nd ed.) Strauch B, Vasconez LO, Hall-Findlay EJ, eds.  Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia 1998. Ch263, pp 1032-1035. Carver N, Wei FC.


A new strategy to prevent the sequelae of severe Volkmann's ischemia

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1996 Nov;98(6):1023-1031.

Chuang DC, Carver N, Chen HC, Wei FC.

Results of functioning free muscle transplantation for elbow flexion

Journal of Hand Surgery [Am] 1996 Nov;21:1071-1077

Chuang DC, Carver N, Wei FC.

The use of liposuction and saline washout for the treatment of extensive subcutaneous extravasation of corrosive drugs

British Journal of Anaesthesia 1994 Jun;72(6):702-704

Martin PH, Carver N, Petros AJ.


Keratinocyte grafting as a means of skin replacement. Thesis.

Master of Surgery Thesis University of London 1993

Carver N.

Restoration of basement membrane structure in pigs following keratinocyte autografting

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1993 July;46(5):384-392

Carver N, Navsaria HA, Fryer P, Green CJ, Leigh IM.

Thromboembolic prophylaxis in plastic surgery 

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1993 Mar;46(2):175

Carver N, Ghosh MM, Green ARG.


Skin grafting to the anal canal for the treatment of mucocutaneous anal stricture

Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 1993 Feb;38(1):46-47

Carver N, Desai SN, Gellister J.

The effect of backing materials on keratinocyte autograft take

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 1993 Apr;46(3):228-234

Carver N, Navsaria HA, Green CJ, Leigh IM.

Synthetic Dressings, Review Article.

International Journal of Dermatology 1992 Jan;31(1):1-10

Carver N, Leigh IM.


Skin equivalents and cultured skin: From the petri dish to the patient. Book Chapter.

Wounds: A Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice 1991;3:141-148

Leigh IM, McKay 1, Green CJ, Navsaria HA, Carver N.

Acute rejection of cultured keratinocyte allografts in nonimmunosuppressed pigs

Transplantation 1991 Nov,52(5):918-921

Carver N, Navsaria HA, Green CJ, Leigh IM.

Keratinocyte grafts and skin equivalents, Review Article.

International Journal of Dermatology 1991 Aug;30(8):540-555.

Carver N, Leigh IM.

Skin grafts for burns

British Medical Journal 1991 Jan26;302(6770):235

Carver N, Green CJ.

Iatrogenic gastrocolic fistula associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration

British Journal of Clinical Practice 1990 Dec; 44(12):759-761.
Carver N, Wedgewood KR, Ralphs DNL.

A dynamic pathological study of cultured keratinocyte allograft rejection in the domestic pig: An ideal animal model

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 1990;17:289

Carver N, Navsaria HA, Cerio R, Green CJ, Leigh IM.


Keratinocyte Grafts and Wound Healing. Book Chapter.

In: Growth Factors in Health and Disease, Basic and Clinical Aspects

Westermark B, Betsholtz  C and Hokfelt B, Eds.  International Congress Series 925

Elsevier Science Publishers 1990, pp393-402

Leigh IM, McKay I, Carver N.

Critically ill polyneuropathy associated with burns

Burns 1989 Jun;15(3):1791-80

Carver N, Logan AM.

Normal anthropometric values for a large group of London subjects; comparison with surgical patients

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 1986;45:58a 

Carver N, Van Persijn Van Meerten E, Johnson AW, Sim AJW.